About Me
Hi! I'm André, a Ph.D. candidate at the University of California, Irvine advised by Prof. Dr. Michael Franz. I am anticipating to graduate by the end of March 2025. My research interests broadly span operating systems, systems security, and compilers.
- an {dot} roesti {at} gmail {dot} com
I'll Be There For You! Perpetual Availability in the A⁸ MVX System
A. Rösti, S. Volckaert, M. Franz, and A. Voulimeneas. 2024 Annual Compuer Security Applications Conference (ACSAC 2024). Distinguished Paper Award.
The Astonishing Evolution of Probabilistic Memory Safety: From Basic Heap-Data Attack Detection Toward Fully Survivable Multivariant Execution
A. Rösti, A. Voulimeneas, and M. Franz. IEEE Security & Privacy Special Issue on Memory Safety (Volume: 22, Issue: 4, July-Aug. 2024) pp. 66 - 75.
Efficient GPU Implementation of Stencils on Unstructured Grids
A. Rösti. Bachelor Thesis (2020).
Data Layout Visualizations
Visualizing different ways of storing and accessing 2D matrices in memory for better data locality.
Freelance WordPress Web Development
Websites I have created for clients between 2015 and 2017
Live Audio Visualization in Python
High School Project in Python with NumPy, SDL, Cairo
Notes & Personal
Distributed Systems Slides
Teaching material created by me while TAing for a Distributed Systems class at ETH Zürich